
还蛮突然的 我原本以为他会再打一届欧洲杯的。
翻译了一下告别信 这里是克罗地亚语-英语-中文对照版 不会克语所以克语转英语是机翻 有错还请评论指出。



Dragi navijači,

uvijek sam više volio govoriti na terenu nego izvan njega.
Stoga mi i ove riječi dolaze malo teže nego što mi je bilo uklizati protivniku ili istrčati sprint u 120. minuti. Teže, jer znam koliko radosti mi donose sva okupljanja, utakmice i pobjede. Teže, jer znam da je slušanje Lijepe naše prije utakmice najveća emocija. Teže, jer znam kakva je čast obući hrvatski dres i predstavljati svoju zemlju. Teže, jer znam da je ovo konačno i da nakon ovih riječi više nema povratka.

Pa ipak, znam da je vrijeme baš za te riječi... Opraštam se od hrvatske reprezentacije.

Dear fans,

I always liked to talk in the field rather than outside it. Therefore, these words come a bit harder than I had to either cripple an opponent or run a sprint in 120 minutes. Harder, because I know how much happiness brings me all the gatherings, matches and victories. Harder, because I know how much happiness brings me all the gatherings, matches and victories. Harder, because I know that listening to Our Beautiful Before the Match the Most Emotional. Harder, because I know what honor it is to dress a Croatian jersey and represent your country. Harder, because I know that this is finally the end of these words after returning.

And yet, I know that time is right for those words ... I'm sorry about the Croatian team.




Koliko god me srebro napunilo novom energijom, ujedno mi je olakšalo ovu nemoguće tešku odluku. Doživjeli smo svoj san, napravili povijesni uspjeh i pritom osjetili nevjerojatnu ljubav navijača. Tih mjesec dana, kao i dočeci u Zagrebu, Slavonskom Brodu i cijeloj Hrvatskoj, ostat će najvažnija uspomena moje karijere. Bilo je to najljepše putovanje s reprezentacijom i najdraži povratak kući. Presretan sam, ispunjen i do neba ponosan na to srebro koje smo kovali godinama, kroz puno muke, truda, rada, razočaranja i teških trenutaka.

As much as silver fills me with new energy, it has made it easier for me to make this impossible decision. We have experienced our dreams, they have made historical success and felt the incredible love of fans. This month, as well as the arrival in Zagreb, Slavonski Brod and throughout Croatia, will remain the most important memory of my career. It was the most beautiful trip with the team and the best return home. I am overjoyed, filled with heaven, proud of the silver we have been dying for years, through a lot of effort, effort, labor, disappointment, and heavy moments.


Nema idealnog trenutka za odlazak. Da možemo, vjerujem da bismo svi nastupali za Hrvatsku dok smo živi jer većeg ponosa nema. No, osjećam da je za mene taj trenutak sada. Da sam dao najbolje od sebe, da sam dao doprinos najvećem uspjehu hrvatskog nogometa.

There is no ideal time to go. If we can, I believe that we all would play for Croatia while we live because there is no bigger pride. But I feel that the moment is for me now. If I did my best to give my contribution to the greatest success of Croatian football.


Prije 14 godina, prvi puta sam kao juniorski reprezentativac obukao sveti dres. Od tada sam upoznao, igrao i radio s puno odličnih suigrača, izbornika, trenera i ljudi oko reprezentacije. Svi smo imali isti cilj - dati sve za uspjeh Hrvatske. Zahvaljujem svima, jer je svatko na neki način ostavio trag u mojoj karijeri. Na tom putu sa mnom su uvijek bili moji najbliži, kojima zahvaljujem na velikoj podršci.

14 years ago, for the first time, as a junior teamman I was wearing a holy vest. Since then I met, played and worked with many excellent teammates, menus, coaches and people around the team. We all had the same goal - to give it all for the success of Croatia. I thank everyone, because everyone in some way left a mark in my career. Along the way with me, they were always my closest friends, and I thank them for their great support.


I na kraju, hvala navijačima.
Nitko od nas nije savršen. Promašivao sam prilike, gubio lopte ili krivo dodavao.
No, uvijek sam dao sve od sebe i ostavio srce na terenu. Hvala vam što ste to prepoznali i bili uz mene i reprezentaciju.

And finally, thank you for the supporters.

None of us is perfect. I missed the opportunity, lost the ball or misunderstood.

But I always gave myself up and left my heart in the field. Thank you for having recognized it and being with me and the team.



Od danas, moje je mjesto s vama - među najvjernijim navijačima Hrvatske.

Since today, I have been with you - among the most prominent Croatian fans.


Voli vas Mandžo ❤️🇭🇷


(注1)Lijepa naša domovino:《我们美丽的祖国》克罗地亚国歌

(注2)Slavonski Brod:即斯拉沃尼亚布罗德,曼朱基奇的故乡​​​

